Together We Give; Together We Share
Donate today to be part of Giving Tuesday. Help those in your community get life-saving medications they desperately need.
December 3 through December 31
Savannah, GA (January 21, 2014) — Each month, St. Andrew’s students and faculty get the privilege of wearing casual clothes instead of their regular school attire by contributing to a selected philanthropic organization. St. Andrew’s School chose MedBank as the proud recipient of $450 in donations from their December Dress Down day.
This may seem like a common activity for some students, but St. Andrew’s School goes the extra mile by educating students about how their donation helps each organization and what it means to be philanthropic. Liz Longshore-Stephens, Executive Director of MedBank, states “At St. Andrew’s, it’s not just about dressing down. The students are learning, from an early age, how important it is to give back to help our community.” In the first semester of the 2013-14 academic year, St. Andrew’s students and faculty contributed over $6,000 to a variety of non-profit organizations showing that the idea of helping others through philanthropy is really catching on.
MedBank would like to thank St. Andrew’s School for their continued support and is proud to be a recipient of such generous gifts from Savannah’s future philanthropic leaders.
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